Most of us are busy, and we don’t take the time to understand which department is responsible for what and who to speak with when you have a question. Most of us end up at the Student Services office. And, even though the Student Services Director, Ana Maria Gower, never turns away students without guiding us in a helpful direction, we thought we should bring your attention to another department whose role is vital to international student’s legal status in the United States: the Designated School Official (DSO) Department. According to the Department of Homeland Security, this office is meant to officially guide you or answer your questions regarding your legal status as well as your eligibility for various activities, including working while in the United States. The DSO director for Lincoln University is Ms. Peggy Au and her office is located inside the Admissions Office. Please feel free to book an appointment with her anytime between Monday and Friday by calling (510) 628-8038 or sending her an email. (Note: During Shelter-in-Place appointments will be virtual.)
The table below lists some of the roles of the Student Services Department and the DSO department to give you a brief guide on who to ask in each situation. Please note, this list is not in any way exhaustive and it does not prevent you from walking into or calling any department of your choice and asking any questions you might have. You will still get help or be guided in the right direction no matter which department you call or talk to.